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Telegram account TDATA Pakistan+923 2fa excellent for newsletter and invite

In stock 231 pcs 1.15 $


Top telegram accounts ↰ ↱Registration for unique. IP↰ ↱ Format: TDATA 2FA (password in each folder "2fa.txt) Avatar, user name installed All accounts are verified to be valid. Best quality on the market. After purchase you receive an archive with a folder TDATA Format. 1 ) Go to the root of the telegram where you have it installed 2) Open it. downloaded archive, there will be a folder in it, copy the contents of the folder. 3) Transfer everything that you copied to the root of your telegram, namely to the TDATA folder. The password is also in the archive inside the folder and is signed as “2FA.txt” Due to the introduction of new telegrams. spam filters, the operation of accounts may not be stable. Most of all, this affected Indonesia. When making purchases, keep this in mind. It’s not up to me! Example: if you send a newsletter and are immediately banned or spam-blocked, this is not a reason to file a complaint, the telegram has constant updates and you need to constantly test before launching an invite or newsletter. You don’t need to throw the whole pack into work at once. Any work requires a connection. To prove that the account is not valid, turn on the video recording before using the accounts! Account use geo accounts=geo proxy! If your account has a spamblock at login = replacement/refund